
The 2 Newest Trailer of ‘MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA’ Give People A Look At The New Characters & Story

The MASS EFFECT Youtube page uploaded 2 NEW videos for their next instalments for the MASS EFFECT Series that introduce to viewers & fans some new characters, aliens and what looks to be the next Main Villain of this game that will be hitting store shelves and digital dashboards on March 21st.

For those who don’t know, Mass Effect: Andromeda is an action role-playing game in which the player takes control of either Sara or Scott Ryder from a third-person perspective.

Andromeda follows the Pathfinder Team, whose job is to “find and secure potential golden worlds, identify settlement sites and start the process of building our new home” for 20,000 people marooned in space.

The first trailer to hit Youtube was a cinematic trailer that introduces us to some of the conflict in the Andromeda system, including the run-in with the Archon:


The Second video to hit Youtube showed off the team you will be starting as once you begin the game – Pathfiner Team Breifing

Mass Effect: Andromeda launches on PS4, Xbox One and PC on March 21st.

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